Canvas Support

How do I use the Gradebook?

The Gradebook helps instructors easily view and enter grades for students. Depending on the Grade display type, grades for each assignment can be viewed as points, percentage, complete or incomplete, GPA scale, or letter grade.

Only graded assignments, graded discussions, graded quizzes, and graded surveys that have been published display in the Gradebook. Not Graded assignments are not included.

The default view in the Gradebook is to view all students at a time, but you can also view students individually in the Gradebook Individual View. However, Individual View currently does not support all settings and options from the Gradebook.

The following keyboard shortcuts are supported in the Gradebook:

  • S: Sort the grid on the currently selected column. Student name and Notes columns sort alphabetically. Other columns sort by grade (low to high).
  • M: Open the menu for the currently selected column.
  • Esc: Close the menu for the currently selected column.
  • G: Open the Assignment Detail page for the currently selected assignment.
  • C: Open the Grade Detail tray for the currently selected assignment.

Learn more about the Gradebook.

Note: If your course includes multiple graders, please note that once you open the Gradebook, all existing Gradebook data is stored in the browser until the page is refreshed. Grades are not dynamically updated with any changes made by other graders in the Gradebook or in SpeedGrader.

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